About Doctor Von

Healing Minds. Shaping Futures.
Meet Dr Scott Von, an accomplished Doctor, Professor, Psychoanalyst, Philosopher, Poet, and Artist

He has treated and supervised patient care for over two decades at the New Clinic for Integral Medicine & Psychiatry in NY and LA which he founded. He has also served as founder and director of Analytica, the first virtual international psychoanalytic training and research institute. Dr Von is a pioneer in alternative medicine and integral psychiatry, developing new techniques for intractable and unsolvable cases.

He holds a PhD in Psychoanalysis from LSE/University of London and a Doctor of Medicine from ACTCM/Shanghai University. Dr Von is a respected Professor who has taught and supervised at NYU, CUNY, Pacific College, American College of TCM, Cal Institute of Integral Studies, Esalen, and various other universities, medical schools, and psychoanalytic institutes. He focuses on the integration of psychoanalysis, medicine, and neuropsychiatry. He has published two clinical-theoretical books on his work in this field: Schizoanalysis: Chaos & Complexity in Clinical Practice and Orgonomy: Integral Medicine & Psychiatry, and is editing another four volume set of books on The Foundations of Psychoanalysis.

As an Artist, he has showcased his paintings, drawings, performances, and installations at major galleries and museums worldwide, as well as founding Libertine Gallery in Hollywood, California. As a poet he has published four volumes of philosophical poetics: The Present, A Little Book of Faith, Hatred of Love, and Reduced to Tears, as well as the experimental machinic hyperbook Autopoesis.

As a political activist he has fought for patients’ freedom of choice and equal access to complementary indigenous and traditional medicine at hospitals and HMOs, as well as providing pro bono care at New Clinic, and funding artist-in-residence programs through Libertine Gallery.

Over the past four decades he has studied and trained with Eastern and Western spiritual masters from Buddhist, Taoist, Gnostic, and Magick traditions. Spiritual Revolution and The Healing provide the capstone projects in bringing his life’s work to heal humanity and transform the planet to the global community.