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Doctor Von has recently published 6 of his books written over the past 30 years. And 4 more are in the editing process.

The first 4 - The Present, A Little Book of Faith, Hatred of Love, Reduced to Tears - comprise a four volume philosophical-poetic work called the Autopoesis. In addition to the literary editions available on Amazon, he has recently designed a “Hyperbook” edition based on the original conception that every page of the 600 page work is self contained and linked holographically to every other page. The Hyperbook edition of Autopoesis is available on Apple books with its own proprietary App, and this App will be available at the App store as a therapeutic and creative Transformation Machine.

The next 2 books - Schizoanalysis: Chaos & Complexity in Clinical Practice and Orgonomy: Integral Medicine & Psychiatry - comprise a clinical-theoretical work on human healing.

The final 4 books comprise transcriptions from the Seminars of Doctor Von on The Foundations of Psychoanalysis.

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